The largest artery in the body is the aorta. It leaves the heart and travels down the front of our torso into the abdominal Read More
Concierge Preventive Medicine
Although concierge medicine is not new, only recently has the service been made available to people in many different regions of Read More
Why Depression and Trauma Can Make You Age Faster
There are several different ways to measure your age. The metric most often used is your chronological age – the number of years Read More
Why Concierge Medicine Is Exploding
To say that there have been some changes in the medical field in the U.S. the past few years is to put it mildly. The good news is Read More
How Do Dietary Fats Influence the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in the U.S., affecting about 30 million Americans. Many more millions of Read More